• 8, Oak St, Cannington WA 6107
  • 08 6373 5158, Fax-08 63735176
  • info@canningtonhealthclinic.com.au
  • Mon-Fri: 08:00 am - 05.30 pm
    Saturday: 08:00 am - 01:00 pm
8, Oak St, Cannington WA 6107

Dr Nirmala Velusamy

Dr Nirmala Velusamy is a Specialist General practitioner who holds a fellowship in General Practice (FRACGP). She looks after all age groups from newborns to older adults. She has been working as a doctor in Australia since 2010 and has been a general practitioner from 2014.

She has subspecialised in Women’s health after extensive training at KEMH, Perth. She has done a Diploma in Women’s health (DRANZCOG) at King Edward Memorial Hospital with the prestigious RANZCOG college. She has also done another Diploma in Child health while training at Princess Margaret Hospital with the reputable Sydney Children’s hospital.

She had extensive training in hospitals across Australia and in India before embarking on General Practice venture. She went through rigorous General Practice training with Regional training provider through Queensland Rural Medical Education to get the fellowship in General Practice. She had also worked through various departments in Queensland and Western Australia before started working as a GP.

She also looks after chronic health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, COPD, eczema, arthritis etc. She has special interests in all women health issues such as fertility issues, pregnancy care, contraception, Implanon insertions and removals and pap smears, breast checks, and menopausal management.

She participates in all adult and childhood vaccinations.

She performs skin checks for skin cancers and undertakes biopsies and excisions. She is adept at performing minor skin surgeries such as cyst removal, abscess drainage, ingrown toenail removals etc.

She also does IUD insertions and removals including Mirena, Kyleena and all varieties of copper IUDs.

She does do shared antenatal care with public hospital too.

She takes care of all child health issues such including asthma, skin conditions, immunisations etc.

She speaks Tamil and English. In her spare time she enjoys trekking, listening to music, cooking and spending time with her family.

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